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The 10 Stages of Selling in Facebook Groups…

The 10 Stages of Selling in Facebook Groups…

Halloween is over, bonfire night is drawing to a close (although obviously we can expect to hear bangers for at least another four days yet!) and now, its that time of year when we all start thinking about Christmas. Like me, your probably wondering where exactly the influx of new toys are going to go, worrying about the lack of funds and panicking about a shortage of storage space, and that’s where the Facebook buy and sell groups can be really very handy.

Every year around November I have a bit of a sort out, gathering together the toys which are outgrown or discarded, and either send them off to a charity shop or try and make a bit of money back by listing them on the buy and sell groups. The Facebook groups are a quick and easy way to sell your unwanted stuff for free, to local parents just like us and to whom your loss is their gain. When all goes to plan, buy and sell groups are fantastic, and as a result I persist, despite having some bad experiences.

But when they mess you around? It’s not so fun. Here are the 10 stages of buy and sell groups that absolutely drive me nuts.

  1. Realising you’ve possibly priced your item too low when you receive 20 DMs within the first ten minutes of listing. 
  2. Staying in all day for someone due to collect only for them to forget, have an oil leak, or get stuck at work due to some ‘natural disaster’ or other highly unusual event. 
  3. Delaying taking the children to bed waiting for someone who said they’d be here in 10 minutes – 34 minutes ago. 
  4. The uncomfortable stand off when someone asks if you have change and you don’t…. waiting to see who’s going to budge and either accept less or offer more is really bloody awwwwwkward.
  5. Offer something at less than a third of rrp despite it being pristine and receive at least 2 messages asking ‘what’s the lowest price you’ll do?’ – even worse offer something for FREE and then have people fail to arrive as planned. You literally cannot give it away.
  6. Being asked if you can deliver to someone who lives 20 miles outside of the location group 🙄 and them being highly offended when you say no. The clues in the title hun!!! 
  7. Feeling the need to delete some of your previous ‘sfs’ comments so it’s not obvious to everyone you’ve been trying to sell the same item since February 2017. 
  8. Forgetting you have someone coming to collect and having a mad dash back from the park when they message to say ‘I’m outside’ 😳
  9. Accidentally stumbling across 12 things you want to buy whilst listing the items you have to sell, thus defeating the object and failing at #missiondeclutter 
  10. Spending ten hours photographing items to make a grand total of seven pounds and twenty pence. 

I jest, because 9 times out of 10, I absolutely love the selling groups, and to be clear, I completely do appreciate all the hard work the admins put in monitoring them, but sometimes on days like today where 4 different people have failed to turn up I really do despair! 

Can anyone else relate?

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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