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The Best Way To Discover Your Skin Type

The Best Way To Discover Your Skin Type

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Everyone should know their skin type. When you know your skin type you understand why your body behaves in a certain way and you can pick skincare products that complement and help your skin.

Choosing the wrong products can be as bad as not using any product as your skin is likely to suffer.

Different Types Of Skin

Before you can discover your skin type you need to know the different types of skin that are possible.


Normal skin doesn’t mean you don’t need skin care products. Instead, it simply means that you don’t have oily or dry skin. In general, your skin is well balanced but you are likely to find it becomes dry and cracks in cold weather, especially around your face.

You can protect against this by using a medium moisturiser, you don’t want anything too heavy. In fact, you should choose gel moisturisers as they will absorb faster.


Dry skin is lacking in moisture and is likely to crack up easily or appear flaky. Unfortunately, dry skin is basically a genetic issue although hormonal changes, lifestyle, and climate can all contribute to dry skin. In essence, the skin is dehydrated and sipping water throughout the day can help. It is beneficial to exfoliate daily as this removes the dead skin cells and helps oils and creams soak into the skin


The final skin type is oily. This often leaves your skin looking shiny and the oil on your skin will block your pores, making it more likely that you will develop spots. Again, daily exfoliation is good to remove excess cells and reduce oil on your skin. However, it must be a gentle exfoliator as you don’t want to create cuts on your skin

Finding Out Your Skin Type

Discovering what type of skin you have is surprisingly easy. All you need to do is get a piece of blotting paper. Then, dab your face in various different locations with it. If the blotting paper looks oily then you have oily skin. if there is very little oil then you have dry skin. Of course, if there is just a little oil on the blotting paper, specifically around your nose or your forehead, then you have normal skin.

Once you know what type of skin you have you will be able to select the best possible moisturizers and creams to deal with your skin and keep it healthy.

It is also possible to assess your skin type by washing your face thoroughly with a mild cleanser and then pat your head dry. You can then check your skin 30 minutes later to see if it appears to have a shine. IF it does then you have oily skin. If it doesn’t you need to wait another 30 minutes and see if your skin feels dry and tight. If it does you have dry skin. It is a little slower than the blotting paper method, but just as effective.

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