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Things we all do in a Heatwave – Take 2

Things we all do in a Heatwave – Take 2

A few years ago I wrote Things We All Do in a Heatwave and they couldn’t be more true today. However with the Summer 2018 heatwave set to stick around for a while, it’s time for a version 2. Here’s another ten things we all do when the sun comes out – how many are you guilty of??!

Things we all do in a heatwave version 2. 

1. Claim that the UK heatwave is ‘a different kind of heat’ to holiday heat. 30 degree heat in Spain feels lovely, but 30 degree heat in England – not so much. 

  1. Set up a fan in your bedroom in an attempt to cool your house down but actually just blow the warm air around instead. Resist the urge to speak really close to the fan blades to make your voice sound silly. Your inner child will never leave. 
  1. Let your child into the pool in a regular nappy as they are ‘just having a paddle’ and discovering just how much water those bad boys can hold. Think a 2 year old with a kim kardashian butt. 
  2. Attempt to get everywhere ‘before it gets hot’ and then fail miserably when it’s already 25 degrees at 9am. 
  3. Despite wearing copious amounts of deodorant you always notice that waft of BO and that someone around you smells: paranoid – you feel the need to have regular armpit checks and subtle sideways sniffs to make sure it isn’t you. Feel a little proud when it isn’t. 
  4. Turn your music up louder in the car. Is it really summer at all please if you cant offend other people’s eardrums with your greatest showman soundtrack on full blast?? 
  5. Post a legs / hot dogs pic on Instagram…, usually overlooking epic beach / paddling pool / children happily playing. Make no illusion, your house is a shit tip and your children are probably poking each other in the eye but to the outside world it appears idyllic. 
  6. You no longer want to share a bed with your partner as the thought of any skin on skin contact is going to a) bring you out in a sweat b) ruin your slow developing fake tan. 
  7. Try to convince your children that wasps are nothing to be scared of and to stay still, only to then run away in like a screaming banshee when one almost lands on your nose. 
  8. Admit defeat and admit to your ‘always right’ partner that the ice machine on the fridge was indeed a good idea. 

How are you coping with the heat? 

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