Tips for Helping Your Child Learn a New Language

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Learning a new language isn’t easy. It involves retraining the brain to associate everyday objects etc with new words. While you may feel like there’s little need to learn a new language as we speak the most commonly used language in the world, it has a lot of great benefits. For example, it can help children to connect with a wider group of people, have fewer barriers when travelling and display their commitment to learning something new. So, whether you’re planning to spend time abroad or help them in their MFL (modern foreign languages), we have just the tips for you. Here are some that were shared with us by one of the best independent schools in Surrey.
Take Advantage of Being Bilingual
It’s a gift and true talent to be bilingual. You have the benefit of being able to relate and connect with two different cultures and can help your children in doing the same. You can help them in learning a second language by speaking the other that you know more often around the house. While they may be a little confused at first, they will soon pick it up.
Spend Time Abroad
If you didn’t have an excuse to spend time abroad already, this is it. Travelling opens children up to experiences. They have the opportunity to learn about cultures first-hand and the people themselves that are a part of it. Slowly they will learn words and phrases. If they are a little more advanced, it’s an opportunity to test and fine tune their language skills. Whether you’re visiting Italy or Spain many European countries are a great place to practice their skills.
Learn with Them
If you’re completely at a loss and struggle to do either of these, why not join them? Use it as an opportunity to also educate yourself and learn a new language. You can have dedicated language days where you only speak in the language that you’re working on and perfect it through practice.
Find a Language Tutor
There’s also the option of hiring a skilled and qualified tutor. They are probably the easiest option when it comes to learning a second language as there’s less confusion. There’s no decoding involved as there would be if you were to travel abroad or learn with your child. They will be able to also offer feedback to help them improve, teach them any specific rules and work on things like pronunciation.
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