Top 5 Most Beautiful Orchids in the World

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There are more and more orchid lovers popping up every day – myself being one of them. Each variety of this exotic flower is distinguished by its special beauty, the strangeness of the inflorescences, size, and shape. The colour palette ranges from snow-white to blue and purple. Unusual combinations of mottled and tiger patterns are found in hybrids and some of them you can even get through flower delivery services or in your local flower shop. But which orchids can rightfully be considered the most beautiful orchids in the world?
White Egret Orchids
The Habenaria radiata, commonly known as White Egret Orchid, is a ground-deciduous plant, which in its dormancy period completely sheds its greenery and stems. It is native to Japan, where it has been cultivated for many years. It differs significantly from other representatives of the genus by its extraordinary flowers, which resemble a shape of a bird.
This shape is formed because of the fringed lip, which is almost completely fused. The pearly white color of the flower is very similar to the color of white herons. The orchid has several varieties, created by breeders from different countries. They differ in the color and size of leaves, the color of flowers, and the height of the peduncle.
Liparis Latifolia
The upright stems of the Liparis Latifolia orchid are stiff and ribbed. Plants have from one to seven leaves. The size and shape of the leaf blades are a species peculiarity. There are varieties with strap-shaped, oval, and elliptical leaves. The leaves are leathery, all shades of green, sometimes folded.
The apical flower stalks carry dozens of buds, which bloom in succession. The small flowers are clustered in paniculate, semi-ozontine, tassel-shaped inflorescences. The sepals and petals are narrow, short, and spreading.
Red Barry
The Red Barry orchids can be monochromatic or with a pattern. Mostly it is found in pinkish-white color and has many burgundy spots of different sizes and shapes. These spots may be found only in the center of the flower or scattered over the whole surface of the sepals and petals, changing their color to reddish-burgundy.
There are also similar varieties that are colored bright yellow, with small maroon spots at the base of the petals. Tolumnia pulchella, another member of the same genus, is a very pretty plant with light pink flowers. At the base of the broad lip of such a flower, there are short yellowish strokes that create a torn, chaotic pattern.
Caladenia Melanema
The Caladenia Melanema, also known as the ballerina orchid, is a rare, most beautiful, and oldest flower in the world. It grows in different parts of Australia and likes sandy soils. The height of the flower stalk is around 6-8 inches. A single leaf grows near the ground. One, maximum two small flowers grow on the stem.
The graceful flower is a real work of art, with a diameter of 2-3 inches. The sepals and petals are arranged and curved in such a way that they bear a great resemblance to a dancing ballerina, which is frozen in a ballet pose. The coloration can be from light brown to orange.
Drakaea Glyptodon
Another orchid that deserves the title of “unusual” is the Drakaea Glyptodon orchid. Its flower resembles the abdomen of a certain kind of wasp. Moreover, it secretes pheromones like a female wasp. Flowering begins during the mating season of the wasps, the males fly to such flowers and try to mate with them. This is how they transfer pollen from one plant to another. Just like many others, these orchids grow in Australia.
What is the Most Beautiful Orchid?
White Egret Orchids are widely considered to be the most beautiful. But in reality, every orchid in this article could gain that status.
What Country has the Best Orchids?
Colombia has more than 4000 different species of orchids which is the largest number in the world.
Is the Ghost Orchid Rare?
Ghost Orchid is a perennial epiphytic and leafless orchid. Why Ghost? Growing in the tropics, in a swampy area, without a single leaf, with gray-green roots, like a spider encircling the crown of a tree, suddenly white flowers appear as if hanging in the air. Not everyone gets to see such a miracle in a tropical forest. Ghost orchids are very rare and they do not flower reliably. Mostly can found in South Florida.
Which Country Ranks First in Orchids?
Orchids rank first among all flowering plants in terms of prevalence and the number of species. There are about 25,000 species of orchids and many more hybrid plants obtained by breeders. Colombia is home to more than 4,000 orchid species, no country even comes close.