Top tips for a quick and stress-free move

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It is widely accepted that moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do. The uncertainty, the paperwork and the packing can all take their toll. But what if there was an easier way? If you’re thinking about moving house, these top tips could help you get the quick and stress-free house move you want.
Make a plan from the start
The easiest way to feel in control of your sale is to have a plan from the start. Of course, there are elements of a house move that you can’t possibly control, but being organised will help you to feel less at the mercy of the sale process. Spreadsheets and lists are your best friends if you want to minimise the stress of moving.
Get a good team on board
Good teamwork is key for a successful sale! That means picking the right estate agent and conveyancing solicitor.
Moving house is expensive, so it can be tempting to just go for the cheapest option, but that’s often not a great choice. Instead, ask for recommendations from people you trust and choose people who you know have experience of selling similar properties in your area, who will have good local knowledge.
Don’t forget your mental and emotional health
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty of a house move. If you’re feeling the stress of the situation, it’s important to remember some basic self-care strategies. Make sure you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet and get plenty of fresh air. Sleep and rest are also really important, despite the busyness of preparing to move house. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, try to give yourself some time out to do some simple breathing or relaxation techniques to relieve the pressure.
Start early and make it a family affair
Decluttering and sorting ready to move is not a small job. It’s amazing how much we accumulate in just a few years. Reduce the stress of moving house by starting the decluttering and sorting early on, and get friends and family involved. If you have children, you can help them to feel involved in the move by getting them to help you with their bedrooms. Using three boxes; keep, donate and rubbish/recycle, you can give them some responsibility and turn packing into a game.
If you’re in a hurry, consider alternative ways to sell
If time pressure is making your move extra stressful, or your property needs significant work doing before you feel it’s ready to go on the market, you could explore other ways to sell. Property auctions can be a great option for unusual properties or homes that might appeal to property investors, and the sale will complete within a month of the auction date.