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Top Ways You Can Keep The Kids Entertained During Lockdown

Top Ways You Can Keep The Kids Entertained During Lockdown

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The outbreak of COVID-19 means that like me, millions of people are faced with the prospect of keeping the kids entertained. It might seem simple in principle, but anyone with kids will know that their children need to have a variety of activities to keep them focused, settled, and calm. Bored children can often wreak havoc in a once calm and settled home environment.

Keeping children’s brains ticking and bodies moving is essential, especially considering they aren’t going to school at the moment. Plus, finding ways to keep them occupied will also take the pressure away from you and allow you to complete any work that you are doing now at home. 

Here are some fun outdoor activities we’ve been enjoying that can help keep your children entertained and focused during the lockdown: 


Growing something in your garden is possible for anyone, even if you haven’t got a vegetable patch or huge garden. Just planting the seeds is a fun task, but it will also create a long-lasting project to keep them focused and educated. Try to choose fast-growing plants like sunflowers, so they can watch them grown without losing patience, on top of this it will also teach them responsibility. 

Paint Rocks

Any painting activity is a good painting activity. It can give your children time to be creative and calm, something that we all need to keep mentally healthy. A craft activity that has taken off by storm recently is painting rocks and then leaving them out and about when you go on your daily walk for others to find. Now more than ever, creating a bit of positivity for people to see when on their daily exercise is a really positive and fun thing to do. So, why not stick on your DAB radio, set out all the paints and start creating some wonderful designs on your rocks to leave on your next walk? 

Picnic In The Garden

When the sun is shining, grab a blanket, and put out some healthy finger foods for your kids. Just because we’re unable to go out and about as normal to enjoy a picnic at the beach or park, you can have just as much fun doing it at home. You could even them involved in making the sandwiches or some yummy cakes for pudding. 

Do Some Cloud Watching 

There is just something calm and relaxing about cloud watching. Take a blanket out in the garden and all lie-down and see what shapes you can spot in the sky. This activity really encourages your children to get creative and can keep them quiet for longer than you might think. This could also end up being an activity that they start to do by themselves, which could give you some free time to get a few bits and bob done around the house. 

Plan A Treasure Hunt

With a little bit of careful planning, you could send your kids on a fun and creative treasure hunt around the garden (or house if it’s raining). Make a homemade map, complete with tea staining and edge scorching to really add to the effects. You could even build a paper machete treasure to hide where X marks the spot. 

Play with garden toys / games

Whether it’s a slide and swing set, jumping around the garden wearing moon shoes or creating a fun assault course, you’ll be amazed at how much fun you can have in the comfort of your back garden.

These are just a few of the many ways you can keep the kids bust in lockdown. Is there any favorite activities you’ve tried with your children? Please share them in the comments below. 

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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