Totally Tackling Your Tiredness: Beating the Exhaustion Feeling With 5 Key Approaches

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Do you feel exhausted? Most people would say that a lot of the time they do. But the sensation of being exhausted can stem from a number of reasons, but it’s safe to say that we all know how it impacts our well-being. So if you are constantly feeling like you need to tackle your tiredness it is time to look at this issue in the round:
Are You Relying Too Much on Caffeine?
Caffeine is an invaluable tool. Lots of us need a dose of coffee in the morning in order to make us feel semi-human. Coffee is, for many people, a lifelong passion. There are an abundance of permutations and over the last few decades with the rise in sophisticated coffee makers like the Gaggia classic coffee machine, we can all get a really good cup of coffee in the morning. But what we have to remember is that coffee is something that can tip us over the edge if we have too much and it is when we become ever-reliant on it that it loses its efficacy.
When we have too much caffeine in our system, it stops us from sleeping because it inhibits a hormone in our body called adenosine, which gradually rises throughout the day, which means that you start getting more tired. So just before you fall asleep, this is when adenosine is at its peak. But in life, we feel that we need to keep going, so, therefore, we start relying on stronger coffee and additional modes of energy. There are people who are caffeine-adapted, but you have to remember that caffeine has a very long half-life of around 3 to 7 hours. Your last cup of coffee mid-afternoon means it will still be in your system around midnight, which could explain why you are waking up in the night, and could be why your cycle of exhaustion continues.
Socialise, Connect, and Experience
It is something that we have to remember is critical to our energy levels. Our energy is, for the most part, dependent on our mood. If you encounter someone who is constantly feeling down, their energy levels are naturally similar. Spending time with loved ones can provide rejuvenation, and there are more studies these days to confirm that being sociable is not just good for a sense of belonging, but also positively impacts your health.
There are so many of us these days that feel like we are not living, just existing, and this will have a knock-on effect with regard to our overall energy levels. If you are feeling exhausted because of constantly worrying about what’s going to happen next, even if you are not actively reading the news every day, the undercurrent of stress is going to stay with you. The solution? Ensuring that you are doing things that rejuvenate you. As parents, we can easily prioritise everybody else, and this means that if our needs slowly slip down the pecking order, we can then inevitably feel like we are not functioning at our best.
Do the things that you know work for you. Socialising, connecting, and experiencing things that make you feel alive will renew your enthusiasm, and your energy levels will feel far different. If there’s one thing that we could all benefit from, it is seeking out new experiences, even if it is just for the sake of our energy levels. We can easily get boxed into a routine, and therefore if we feel like we are doing very little for ourselves and are constantly on the treadmill of life, we have to make a change. After all, as they say, a change is as good as a rest.
Are You Fatigued or Are You Sluggish?
If we all feel like we’re not functioning at our best, exercise is something that we should all do to beat that sense of sluggishness. It can feel like the last thing we want to do, especially if we’ve had one of those days, but exercise works wonders with your energy levels, as long as you are doing the right things. There’s a lot more research to show that walking is incredibly beneficial to our overall health.
There is talk of the magical 10,000 steps per day, but it doesn’t have to be exactly this number. What we have to remember when it comes to the concept of exercising is that we’re not doing too much to overexert ourselves. Any form of physical activity, when we have not done it for a long time, can seem like too much, but this is why we have to build up some form of tolerance. We all know the spiel with regard to exercise and how it boosts endorphins, so do what you can to incorporate a tiny bit of physical activity. Even something as simple as jogging on the spot while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil could be enough to make you feel like you don’t need to pour that boiling water into a cup of really strong coffee!
Manage Your Stress Levels
We can all feel some sense of stress in our lives, but stress in small doses can be a great motivator. It’s those prolonged exposures to stress that will take a lot out of you. This is because of the elevated cortisol stress hormone in your body. Stress means that we are constantly using energy overthinking things, when we could learn to slow down. Making sure that we understand what the key stresses are in our lives and then finding ways to cope with them will ensure that we benefit in the long run.
Ultimately, if we’re trying to tackle reasons as to why we’re tired, we can make so many changes to our health, but if we have an elevated sense of stress in our lives, this will easily undo all of our hard work in other departments. So many of us underestimate the mental demands we place upon ourselves. That feeling of exhaustion is basically feeling like we have been strung out physically, mentally, or emotionally. Ensuring that we know what our weaknesses are and finding coping strategies will make a massive difference. Lots of us feel like we need to avoid stress, but this is not actually the case. There will always be problems in life, and therefore if we can adopt a more resilient and resourceful approach, we will feel a lot better.
Do Not Overload Yourself
We can feel like we need to say “yes” to everything, but it’s this approach to life that can gradually overload us. We have to remember that while the big things can easily overwhelm us, it’s all of those little things that add up to a lot that can also have the same impact. If your plate is already full, burnout is not far behind.
Burnout is all dependent on the individual and what they think is too much. We can easily pass comment on other people’s lives thinking that they don’t dream much, but it’s all having an “each to their own ” approach. As we get older, we can find that our care responsibilities can increase rather than decrease, and if we are overloading ourselves we are going to feel exhausted. We need to operate far more efficiently to ensure that we are giving ourselves a far better understanding of our individual tolerance levels.
Exhaustion, for many of us, seems like it’s part and parcel of the modern world. So many parents feel tired all of the time, but there is always a solution. It’s just that the solution may be about delving deeper into the underlying causes, as well as a combination of tactics.