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Turn That Lockdown Upside Down! Spending Quality Time Inside

Turn That Lockdown Upside Down! Spending Quality Time Inside

*This is a collaborative post*

With the news that lockdown is going to last even longer for most people, we’ve got to learn to make the most of this strange time we live in. Most of us are absolutely fed up with what’s going on, but with the news in countries like Wales, we have to batten down the hatches for even longer we may very well be suffering from what they call Covid fatigue. But this is where we have got to learn to make the most of what we have. While we can very much incorporate brand new hobbies into our lives like reading more books, we have to think about some ways to benefit our lives in so many other ways. So what can we do?

Starting Courses

One of the best things that we can all do right now is to expand our knowledge. And online courses come thick and fast in many areas. There are resources like FutureLearn that provide a wide variety of hobby courses, as well as serious ones such as starting your own business or learning to improve your creativity, or even finding the perfect job. Courses are one of the best things that anybody can do while stuck at home, especially if they feel like they’ve lost any sense of purpose.

Improving Your Faculties

Something that we can all do at home is to fine-tune our skills so we can get back out into the real wide world ready to go. You may feel that you are lacking in certain areas. For example, you might not be able to get to the opticians right now, but you can easily get some prescription lenses to improve your eyesight so you can take in more literature, especially during dreary and dull January. 

Getting Fitter

It is something that we all feel that we do as a matter of priority during January. But getting fitter is something that we can all do with right now. It’s not necessarily about learning to go a mile a minute or running until you are blue in the face, it is about getting the habits in right now so you can stick to them later on without much effort. Learning how to incorporate exercise into your life is about starting the right habits. We have to remember that it can take between 4 and 6 weeks for a habit to truly settle in. Think about exercising 3 times a week, and if you could maintain this for a month, you will arguably have this for life!

Learning Gratitude

When we start to feel grateful for things in our lives positivity soon follows. It can feel like there’s a lot to be ungrateful for during these difficult times, but if we can start to incorporate gratitude into our lives by thinking about three things we are grateful for every single day, this will be a habit that will help us feel better in so many areas of our life. We can have it difficult, but we could have it a lot worse. 

These are a few ways to spend some quiet time indoors. We might have been sick of spending so much time indoors, but it’s time to use these moments for the benefit of our lives. 


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