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What the Girls Wore – November

What the Girls Wore – November

#AD This is a collaborative post

November is now in full swing, and its fair to say I am VERY aware of the change in the seasons. The clocks have gone back, the nights are significantly darker (I am now officially leaving the office in what feels like the middle of the night) and the temperatures have really dropped. Over the last week, Birmingham has had some pretty torrential rainfall, with my neighbours’ back garden now representing a small pond, and as if the wet days weren’t enough, some days it’s so gloomy that it feels the sun has barely come up at all!

Despite the cold, I absolutely love the Autumn and Winter months. I love wrapping the girls up warm in cosy jumpers, hats and scarves. I love watching them kick through leaves, their bobble hats bounce around as they run, collecting conkers and acorns and seeing their little red noses when we come back inside to the warm! When we do get a dry day, I always like to ensure that they still get a decent dose of Vitamin D, normally by heading out to our local woods for a bit of an explore.

Today we did just that, heading to Bills Woods to blow the cobwebs away. I absolutely LOVE Neve’s outfit here from Kimidog, an international seller of wholesale kids clothing. The jumper is so cosy and warm, which was just what we needed on a crisp bright day like today, and with its super soft texture and what I fondly refer to as “ice cream design”, (whether intentional or not), it made me want to cuddle Neve even more than usual! I cherish the days we have together – a real benefit of having secured flexible working – 3 days a week part time.

I also love the colour scheme that the girl’s Autumn and Winter wardrobe tends to bring. They tend to wear quite a lot of maroons, dark reds and mustard yellows at this time of year, which is perhaps my way of paying homage to the backdrop of fallen leaves around them!

This Autumn we’re taking part in Hollymadelife’s #OutsideinAutumnChallenge, which is a fun checklist to encourage more of us to get outside and make the most of the great outdoors. It’s all too easy to get stuck inside when the summer months have passed, but Autumn has SO much to offer. Check out Holly’s instagram for the list of options to try and tick off in an Autumn Bucketlist

What have your little ones worn this month? Is it too early to start thinking about Christmas?



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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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