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Why Weight Loss Doesn’t Need To Be A Painful Task

Why Weight Loss Doesn’t Need To Be A Painful Task

*This is a collaborative post

In today’s world, there are so many reasons that you may want to lose a little weight. Maybe you are looking to squeeze into a dress from a few years ago; maybe you are looking to shed a few pounds of baby weight, whatever it may be, you should realise that there is absolutely no shame in getting out there and reaching your goal.

The first thing we are going to let you know is that we know that heading to the gym can be terrifying, so this post will be voiding gyms and gym culture at all costs, and we are going to hopefully provide you with some valuable information that can help you reach your goals.

When it comes to losing weight, the very first thing you should be doing is sitting down and setting yourself goals. It matters not where you are trying to lose 2 lbs or 30 lbs; setting yourself goals is essential.

While we are on the subject of goals, we understand that you may want to accomplish things as quickly as possible, well, this is not going to be a good idea. By getting into the midframe that you will do things quickly, you can set yourself unattainable goals and worse than this, if you do accomplish them, you may be causing yourself a lot of harm.

Losing weight and getting healthy is something that should be done slowly, and with whatever guidance, you can get your hands on. Nowadays, there are so many people dishing out bad advice, and this is causing people to really hit things hard and lose weight too fast.

Before you say anything, yes there is such a thing as losing weight too fast, and it places an incredible amount of strain on your heart. One of the first things you should be doing, no matter what your weight is, is to visit your local GP or even the nurse. You can speak to them about your concerns and ask them for some advice moving forward.

Now, taking all of this into account, we are going today going to impart a little weight loss and fiction knowledge that will help you on your journey. Remember, if you are unsure of any suggestion, ours or somebody else’s then you shouldn’t hesitate to contact your GP and ask their opinion.

While we realise that every person will have independent needs on their journey, we are going to be trying to share some tips that are applicable to any person of any age. The tips we share may sound simple at their core, but we only want to share tips and techniques that everybody can use.

While there are more advanced tips out there, we realise that not everybody has gym equipment in their homes and others don’t have time to be spending doing long-winded things that require dedication.

With this in mind, let’s get into the next section and see if we can help you start your weight loss journey.

The Easy Diet

So, we know that when you see diet, you are quite possibly expecting us to furnish you with some miracle fad diet that will help you just drop the pounds without any effort at all right?

Well, sorry people, but we are all about truth, and that’s all you are going to get. If you want some honest diet advice, you are going to get it. The first thing you are going to need to realise is that there is no magic fad diet that is going to work for you.

We know that you have seen people that claim to have had amazing experiences on all different diets like Atkins or the carnivore diet, but the truth is, these diets have zero benefits, and this has been shown time and time again from a lot of scientific research.

The truth is, if you want to lose weight, the changes you need to make are very, very simple. The first thing you need to do is identify how many calories your body needs to sustain its current weight.

For women, this is somewhere between 1800-2000 and for many around 2300-2500. Once you have identified this, reduce it by 200. The easy way to do this is to find a shake for weight loss and replace your breakfast with it. 

The science behind this is quite simple. If your body requires 1800 calories per day to run efficiently, and you were only putting in 1600, it will source the remaining need from body fat. By shaving off 200 calories per day, you will be on course to lose 1-2 lbs per week, and it’s that easy.

The Simple Extras

The second part of this easy and painless weight loss plan is just changing a few more little things. 

The first thing you need to do will probably sound counterproductive, but it’s incredibly important. You need to take everything you drink and where possible, replace it with water. Now, while people would have told you that you need to drink eight glasses of water every day, this is complete nonsense. 

The truth is, drinking water alongside your diet will not only keep you hydrated, but it will also help flush the broken down fat cells from your body. As well as this, you should be reducing the amount of sugar in your diet.

The final thing you should be doing that will help you shift a little weight is some light exercise. Now, when we say light exercise, you can do a little skipping in your garden or if that seems a little too much, why not just go for a walk and get your heart pumping a little faster than usual.

When it comes to exercise, you really don’t need to do too much at all, all you need to do is get your heart pumping, and you will be well on your way to a fitter, healthier and thinner you in no time at all. 


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