Welcome to my new 2017 Linky – the #2017MonthlyChallenge Linky

For those of you who aren’t aware with the 2017 Monthly Challenge – this is 8 months of personal challenges that I have set between January – August, aiming to improve health, fitness and wellbeing, as well as lose weight and reduce stress. Each month has a different theme as follows:-

January – #FoodDiaryMonth

February – #SugarFreeFebruary

March – #March5aDay

April – #HappyChallenge

May – #WaterChallenge

June #MovementChallenge

July – #MeatFreeMonth

August – #FreshFruitMonth

You can read more detail on each theme here. You do not have to do every month if you do not wish, but can get involved in the months that you want to challenge yourself.

The 2017 Monthly Challenge prevents you from losing momentum by changing themes regularly, making a healthy 2017 more acheiveble. However, as with all challenges, they work better with a community and support network.

The Linky

Each Sunday I will open a new linky, to mark the end of each week per theme. Here, I will share my personal experience of that week. What I have done, how it has gone, what I found hard, tips, ideas and photos. If applicable I will also share any weight loss.

The linky will stay open for 7 days, at which posts for the following week will open.

The Rules of the #2017MonthlyChallenge Linky are very simple:-

– Share the love on Social Media using the hashtag #2017MonthlyChallenge. I will retweet/share some of my favorite posts each week and the more friends we can get involved the better.

– Add your experience post for that week and comment on at least two other posts in the linky

– Don’t forget to add the #2017MonthlyChallenge badge to your posts (This will be shared in the linky post each week).

Real Mum Reviews

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Not only does this linky introduce you to a number of other blogs, but reading others approach and offering advice and support will also give everyone a better chance at achieving their goals!!!

If you’d like to join this month, get those food diaries started as there is still time to join this week, then join me on Sunday to share your first post!

Good luck and let’s make 2017 the happy and healthiest year yet! 🙂