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5 Decisions Every New Parent To Be Needs To Make

5 Decisions Every New Parent To Be Needs To Make

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Becoming a parent is a big responsibility. There are so many things to think about and take care of. You want to make sure you’re making the right decisions for your family, finances, and home. Some decisions are more critical than others. Here are five big ones every new parent needs to make before their baby arrives.

Baby Names

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is what to name your baby. This can be a difficult decision. You might want to turn to family members or close friends for help with this one or create a list of potential names and see which one feels right.

Another thing you’ll have to think about is whether or not you want to find out the gender before the birth. If you do, then you’ll need to figure out a name that fits whichever gender you choose to find out beforehand.

Additionally, if your child is adopted (or otherwise becomes part of your life unexpectedly), several considerations come into play when choosing their name as well.


There are many different opinions on the best way to feed your baby. Breastfeeding is a lot of work and can be time-consuming, but it has benefits that formula doesn’t have. There are also positives and negatives to both formula and breastfeeding. While there are many benefits of breastfeeding for mum and baby, there are also some risks with breastfeeding, like mastitis and low milk supply, that you need to consider. It’s up to you and your partner to decide what works best for you.

Sleeping Arrangements

One crucial decision is how you’re going to sleep. You might be used to sleeping in a king-size bed with your partner, and now you’re going to need to figure out what the best sleeping arrangements are for you and your baby. One of the most popular methods is co-sleeping or bed-sharing. Co-sleeping allows you and your partner to monitor your baby from a close distance, which can make it easier for them to fall back asleep if they wake up. Some people worry about safety, though, so both parents must be entirely on board with the idea and have read up on safe sleeping practices.

Another popular option is creating a nursery near the main bedroom to feel more like home for mum and dad. One other option for sleeping arrangements is keeping your baby in another room at first, such as a nursery or playroom, so that they’re not always wake up when you go into their space in the middle of the night.

What Maternity/Paternity Leave Is Being Taken

The first decision a new parent needs to make is taking their maternity/paternity leave. Some parents may want to take the entire nine months of leave or not return to work at all. Some parents also choose to split the leave so both parents can enjoy time at home with a new baby.

Every company has different maternity/paternity leave policies, so you must know what your company offers before deciding to take some time off from work.

What to Include In Your Birth Plan

A birth plan lists all the preferences you have regarding your labour and delivery. It will help you and your doctor make decisions as your baby gets closer to being born. You can include anything in your birth plan from pain relief, how you want to hold your baby after delivery, whether or not you want visitors during the postpartum period and more.


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