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7 Ways the Yoto Player Cards can support Children’s Mental Health

7 Ways the Yoto Player Cards can support Children’s Mental Health

AD – Yoto Player cards and Yoto player previously gifted for review

Did you know, 1 in 4 of us will experience mental health problems at some point in our lifetime? Since the Covid-19 pandemic in particular, there has been a huge impact on the mental health of children and young people. The effects of multiple lockdowns, lost education and isolation, combined with increased screen time and the pressures of social media is significant. As a Mum of two daughters and someone who has suffered from anxiety myself; I know just how important it is to talk about our mental health, encourage a dialogue and take steps to break down the stigma.

This week, the 3rd – 9th February is Children’s Mental Health Week and as a Yoto Family, I wanted to highlight the ways in which this clever little audio player for kids can actively support your child’s mental health and wellbeing at home.

What is Children’s Mental Health Week?

Children’s Mental Health Week was set up by mental health charity Place2be. It takes place annually to raise awareness and start conversations about children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

This year’s theme is Know Yourself, Grow Yourself – encouraging children, young people and adults to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them. This will help them grow and develop resilience to cope with what life throws at them. Part of this is being comfortable in their own skin, so finding ways to love the skin we’re in, switch off the screens and share experiences is key.

We’re huge fans of Yoto and it’s screen-free entertainment benefits. Read on to learn how Yoto can help build your kid’s self esteem, reliance and coping strategies and improve their overall wellbeing. 

Below, we round up some of the best Yoto Cards and Yoto Features that can help support your child’s mental health and wellbeing. If you’re new to Yoto, you can check out our previous Yoto posts below including our Yoto Player review, Yoto Mini Player review and the Best Yoto Cards for all ages.

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1. Yoto Helps Children Embrace Individual Differences 

Good quality friendships play a huge part in helping our children feel happy and secure and this involves not only shared experiences but kindness, trust and mutual respect.

Yoto have a wide range of Yoto player cards that can remind children to embrace their individual differences and not be afraid to stand out or be unique. They also serve as a reminder about inclusivity, welcoming people and including everyone, avoiding making anyone feel excluded or isolated. They can help boost children’s self-esteem and confidence, by encouraging them to celebrate their individuality.

Here are some of the best Yoto Cards around individual differences: 

Weirdo Yoto Card

Weirdo by Zadie Smith and Nick Laird

“Life’s too short not to be a weirdo”

When Maud moves into her new home, the existing pets don’t approve – after all, what kind of Guinea pig wears a Judo suit? She must be a Weirdo. Maud just doesn’t fit in and is left feeling sad and lonely.

After a gust of wind takes Maude on an adventure, she’s reminded that being unique is something to be proud of. Maud gains a new confidence, responding “I am a weirdo, but I am also a Maud”. A funny tale of acceptance, individuality and being proud to be who you are – whatever form that takes.

RRP £7.99 | Running Time – 6 minutes | Age suitability: 0 – 8 years

Can you see me? Yoto Card

Yoto player cards

Can you see me? Expected to fit in – proud to stand out by Libby Scott

If your child has autism, aspergers or ADHD they may feel that other people just don’t think like they do. It can be confusing, overwhelming and leave children feeling isolated or afraid to speak out and share their thoughts,

Based on the diary entries of an 11 year old girl with autism, this card provides insight into autism through the eyes of a child, and is aa great way to bridge the gap and build an empathy and understanding of autism

RRP – £9.99 | Running Time – 7 hours and 7 minutes | Age Suitability: 8-12 years

2. Yoto Player Cards to Manage Anxiety

Just like adults, anxiety can have a huge impact on our children too. Whilst some worries about big events are a normal and expected part of childhood, anxiety can also impact on everyday life to the point it becomes overwhelming.

Books can be a great way to help children understand unfamiliar thoughts and feelings, particularly worries, fears and anxieties. Rather than allowing anxiety to stop them from doing things, talking about anxiety and explaining how it feels can help children build coping strategies to overcome the symptoms of anxiety.

Here are some Yoto player cards that can help with worries and anxiety:

My Monster & Me Yoto Card

My Monster & Me (and other stories) by Nadiya Hussain & Ella Bailey

A trio of stories on one card, all centred around worries, anxiety, being brave, finding your inner strength and being true to yourself.

We absolutely LOVE this card. Nadiya herself has spoken publicly about her struggles with panic disorder growing up and these stories use a monster as a metaphor for her worries – a concept which is easy for children to understand.

Today I am Strong and Spreading My Wings serve as a great reminder to be yourself, no matter what struggles and worries you may have on your shoulders.

RRP – £5.99 | Running Time: 15 minutes | Age Suitability: 3-5 years

I’m ready for big school Yoto Player Card

Yoto player cards

I’m Ready for Big School – Short stories for 4-6 year olds

Transitioning from nursery or home settings into a school environment can bea big source of worry and anxiety for young children. They can experience separation anxiety, concerns about the unknown and worry about meeting new people and making new friend.

This Ladybird collection of fun and amusing stories including World Book Day and The Secret Door are sure to entertain and alleviate their concerns.

RRP – £9.99 | Running Time: 1 hour 31 minutes | Age Suitability: 0-8 years

3. Yoto Player Cards Help Children Relax and be Calm

Life at times, can be a lot to take in, with fast-paced routines, rushing around and information overload. As a a result, often it’s the point when your children get into bed where all their thoughts are processed; with emotions, worries and fears bubbling to the surface. 

Some calm time before bed to help them wind down at the end of a busy day or even help manage meltdowns, tantrums or episodes of overwhelm.

Used for a source of screen-free entertainment, your child can sit lie, or play whilst listening to these stories on their Yoto player, with headphones on that can allow them to drift off into another world. Alternatively, these Yoto player cards are great to snuggle up and listen to with a parent and enjoy a shared experience. 

Moshi Friends Forever Yoto Card

Yoto player cards - Moshi Friends Forever Card

Yoto Moshi Friends Forever

Features: Two stories – Kindness, Caring and Sharing with Dewy (5.48 minutes) and Making friends like Flumpy (18.22 minutes).

These two calm and relaxing stories take children on an adventure with Moshlings Dewy and Flumpy the Pluff. With a focus on kindness, friendship and sharing, they are a great way to encourage reflection and treating others the way they’d like to be treated.

RRP – £6.99 | Running Time – 23 minutes

Let’s Move Relaxing Yoga Yoto Card

Yoto player cards

Let’s Move Relaxing Yoga (Digital Card)

A great way to introduce children to the world of Yoga via a fun interactive story. Meet Giraffe, Kangaroo and Polar Bear as they lie and watch the clouds scroll by. Can you replicate the shape of the items they spot in the clouds with your body?

RRP £5.99 | Running Time: 43 minutes | Age Suitability: 0-8 years

4. Yoto Player Cards to Help Children Practice Mindfulness

With busy daily lives and hectic routines, children can often feel a little overwhelmed. Practising Mindfulness can really help clear out the noise and free their minds of worries and fears. Mindfulness techniques involve taking a moment to observe our surroundings and ensure we experience the present, tuning into the sights sounds and smells in the world around you, helping to alleviate worries or fears.

Guided meditations on these Yoto cards can help reduce stress levels, help with key transitions, help children more suitably control their emotions and even reduce disruptive behaviour. These Yoto player cards can also help boost children’s self esteem and confidence and build resilience.

Mindfulness for Children Yoto Card

Ladybird Mindfulness for children

This Ladybird Mindfulness for Children card introduces children to 20 fun and interactive exercises which practise mindfulness techniques in an engaging and accessible manner.

From breathing exercises to visualisations, calming games and meditations these cards can help children to manage their worries, practice kindness, encourage calmness and relaxation and focus their mind.

RRP £9.99 | Running Time: 1 hour | Age Suitability: 5- 7 years

Moshi Magical Stories Yoto Card

Yoto player cards  - Moshi

Moshi Magical Stories

RRP: £6.99 | Running TIme: 55 minutes | Age Suitability: 0-8 years

Features: Two Yoto Moshi stories – Cali the Moonlit Mermaid (approx 30 minutes) and Jeeper’s Fantabulous Flying Carpet (approx 25 minutes)

Set beneath the sea, the story of Cali the Mermaid has dreamy harp music, a slow and softly spoken rhyme and a repeated familiar chorus. It’s a love story that makes a great choice for a calm and stress free bedtime.

For a more enchanting story, Jeeper’s magic carpet can take them on a mindful adventure to clear their mind before bed.

Magical Bedtime Meditation Yoto Card

Magical Bedtime Meditation

With the perfect mix of hypnotic and meditative language, this card is full of soothing music and stories that can help calm busy minds and relax restless bodies as they drift off to sleep.

Written and recorded by experienced hypnotherapists, they can help create a sense of calm as part of your bedtime routine.

RRP – £5.99 | Running time: 15 min | Age suitability: 0-8 years

Enchanted Meditations Yoto Card

Enchanted Meditations by Christine Kerr

Created by leading yoga and Montessori teacher Christiane Kerr, this card features eight short, sharp meditations created specifically for kids, each lasting between four and ten minutes.

From the Jellyfish Relaxation; to the Enchanted Garden or even flying away on a Hot Air Balloon. they can help build your child’s confidence and self esteem, whilst instilling calm for a good night’s sleep.

RRP: £5.99 | Running time: 59 min | Age suitability: 5-8 years

5. Yoto Helps Children Sleep Better

Children need between 9 and 13 hours of sleep a night (preschoolers to juniors) and if they don’t get it, it can very quickly affect their physical and mental health. Having a regular and repeated bedtime can really help children improve their sleeping habits, with a familiar pattern sending cues to the brain that it’s time to go to sleep.

Whilst the Yoto Player is great for screen-free entertainment, it’s also packed full of features that can help your children sleep better too.

Yoto player features 

Yoto Sleep sounds

If your child struggles to drift off at bedtime, the Sleep Sounds feature on the Yoto Player can prove really beneficial. Accessed via the Yoto app, parents can select from Yoto Sleep Radio (a special station full of child friendly soothing songs and music) or a variety of white noise sounds such as Vacuum cleaners, fans, rainfall, thunderstorms or waves. Our personal favourite is the Rainy Car RIde, which features the fading in and out sounds of rain falling on a windscreen. It brings with it a lovely sense of calm when you’re tucked up warm and dry in bed.

Yoto Player Nightlight – comfort and reassure

If your child is sacred of the dark, the nightlight feature on the Yoto player is a great feature to calm and reassure. With a subtle non stimulating light, you can choose from a choice of seven colours.

Yoto Ok to wake clock

If your child has a tendency to wake regularly during the night, or try and wake at the crack of dawn, the Yoto Player Ok to Wake function may just help teach children about when it’s time to stay in bed. Simply set the wake times in the Yoto App and choose what colour you want the nightlight to change to. Your child will soon learn that if the nightlight hasn’t changed colour yet, they need to try and go back to sleep.

Yoto Player Review: Nightlight and Ok to wake clock

Yoto player cards for sleep

In addition to the wonderful features highlighted above, there are also a wide range of Yoto player cards devoted to sleep. These cards can be popped in to the player as part of your bedtime routine, before snuggling up in bed and drifting off to sleep. Alternatively, parents can set them to play remotely using the Yoto App.

Ladybird Lullabies Yoto Card

Ladybird Lullabies Songs for Bedtime

Ideal for younger children, this selection of familiar lullabys can become a comforting friend at bedtime. Classics include Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Frere Jaques, Brahm’s Lullaby and Rock a Bye Baby to name but a few.

RRP – £7.99 | Running Time: 40 minutes | Age suitability: 0-5 years

LifeScore Dreams Collection Yoto Cards

Dreams Collection

If your children prefer listening to music and soundscapes rather that stories, the Dream Collection from LifeScore features over six hours of music designed to encourage sleep with natural soundscapes from the desert, the forest, the campfire, the mountains, space and the ocean,

RRP: £29.99 | Running Time: 6 hours | Age Suitability: All ages

Bedtime Meditations 

Bedtime Meditations

The second of the Yoto Meditation cards by Yoga instructor Christine Kerr, this bedtime meditation card features three short meditations of around 18 minutes each. Each one takes children on a magical adventure, whilst encouraging them to pause, slow their breathing and clear their mind.

With stories including By the Sea, An Adventure in Space and Snowflake, they’re great for calm moments during the day too.

RRP: £5.99 | Running Time: 52 minutes | Age suitability: All Ages

6. Yoto Player Cards to Encourage Exercise and Movement 

Yoto may be screen free fun, but that doesn’t mean they need to sit still as they listen. Our children are leading far more sedentary lifestyles than previous generations, but the physical and mental benefits of exercise are huge. A more active lifestyle can help boost oxytocin and improve our children’s overall mood and wellbeing. 

Here are some Yoto Player Cards that can encourage exercise and movement, even inside the home.

Lets Move Winter Wonderland Yoto Card

Ideal for the Winter months, this fun card can encourage your children to move and perform basic exercises without it feeling like a chore

Following the Winter themed adventures of Polar Bear, Kangaroo and Giraffe, they’ll giggle as they wade through snow, perform snow angels and have a dance party with Jack Frost!

RRP £5.99 | Running time – 42 minutes | Age Suitability: 0-5

Health and Happiness Yoto Card

Health and Happiness- ITS Music

This lively Yoto Music Card is full of catchy songs that will encourage your children to get up, dance and MOVE!

Not only are they great to stimulate exercise, but they’re educational too, with the lyrics ocused on kindness, inclusivity, wellbeing, positivity and gratitude.

RRP £7.99 | Running Time: 59 minutes | Age suitability: 0-5 years

7. Yoto Makes our Children Laugh

Last but by no means least, life can be serious. Whilst we can’t always protect our kids from the state of the world, sometimes laughter is the best medicine. These Yoto Cards can provide some much needed amusement and are the perfect pick me up for a bad day.

 97 ½ Jokes for Big Kids Yoto Card

97.5 Jokes for Big Kids

Fun jokes for kids, told by kids, these cards are packed full of almost 100 jokes that are sure to raise a smile even on the grumpiest of days. From weather jokes to animal jokes, food jokes and knock knock jokes, this card offers something for everyone!

Also available in the range 97.5 jokes for Kids (suitable for 0-5 year olds)

RRP – £5.99 | Running Time: | Age Suitability: 5-8 years

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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