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Adding Yoga to my Daily Home Routine

Adding Yoga to my Daily Home Routine

AD – This is a collaborative post

How much exercise have you done in 2020? Chance are, you will fall into one of two camps. Firstly there is those who suddenly found they had more time on their hands than ever before. They signed up for every virtual challenge going, invested in 3 new pairs of trainers and appear to be spending more time than ever outside, increasing their steps, their physical activity and their heart rate at every opportunity. Then there is the second group. Those who have suddenly found themselves working from home every day; losing out on their steps to and from the office, and finding their home and work lives merging into one big day of sitting in front of a computer screen.

I’m sorry to admit that whilst during the first lockdown I was incredibly active, the seasons have now change and I have found myself being more sedentary than ever.

With a busy day job, a self employed business and 2 young children who appear to be in and out of school like a yo-yo at the moment, I have been trying to find ways to remain physically active, reduce stress and improve my overall wellbeing whilst staying safe at home. Having previously been told about the benefits of yoga for physical and mental health, I am now trying to incorporate yoga at home as part of my morning routine before work or just before I go to bed.

Here are some benefits of yoga at home:

  • It’s FREE – First things first, there’s no monthly gym memberships, no committing to long subscriptions and you can dip in and out as often as you like. Yoga requires very little in terms of upfront cost or apparatus – essentially all you need is a non slip yoga mat and some online beginners classes to guide you, many of which you can find for free on YouTube.
  • Core strength and Flexibility – Yoga can really help build up your core muscle strength and help tone your body – which can also help your strength and stamina when taking part in other forms of exercise such as running or walking.
  • Improved posture – I have been known at times to not sit in the most ergonomically appropriate way whilst working, particularly if I am concentrating hard or working to meet a deadline. I may cross my legs, put one foot under the opposite leg or slouch in my seat. All these things are TERRIBLE for your posture, and can leave you feeling tired and uncomfortable at the end of the day. Practicing yoga regularly as part of your daily routine can help improve your overall posture and avoid experiencing pain in your neck and back.
  • Reduces stress – A relaxed and calm body generally sleeps better than a stressed one, so introducing some yoga stretches before bed too can also help encourage a better nights sleep. At the moment more than EVER I have struggled to stay calm in the face of all the breaking news updates and bad news headlines. Anything that helps me forget about things for a little while is an added bonus!
  • Improves Focus – Working from home has been quite a tough transition for me. Whilst I enjoyed working from home once a week prior to lockdown, I was used to a quiet and empty home, no distractions what so ever, and didn’t have to balance this with an entire team and all my customers also working remotely. The new remote working I’ve experienced in 2020 has been much harder to adapt to, with at times my focus lacking or struggling to motivate myself to work proactively. Regular yoga practice is proven to help improve concentration, focus, memory and even reaction times.
  • Breathing and Mindfulness – The end parts of my yoga sessions are incredibly calming and a great way to practice breathing and mindfulness techniques. I always have a VERY active mental load and struggle to switch off, my mind always whirring with thoughts of what I need to don that day from the second my eyes open in the morning. Forcing myself to switch off and relax before I start work helps clear away some of the anxieties I have been experiencing during lockdown.

Have you ever tried yoga?

What have you done to look after your physical and mental health during lockdown? 

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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