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Around the Home Back to School Checklist 2021

Around the Home Back to School Checklist 2021

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It’s August bank holiday weekend in the UK, and for parents, that means only one thing. No, not getting in the mosh pit at Creamfields! It means the kids are back in school from next week. Being the responsible parents you are, you have probably already made sure they have everything they need for the new school term. 

But with the school rush on, you may not have given extra thought to things that need to be done around the home. Fortunately, you can perform some quick pre-term checks to encourage and develop a positive learning environment around your home. Don’t worry, this is easier than you might think.

Heating and Utilities

Your heating system gets all but abandoned throughout the summer as the warmer temperature means no extra warmth is required. However, you might need to get your oil boiler or gas boiler checked before school begins, whether there is minimal or maximum usage. Especially if you rely on it for drying clothes in your radiators. And given that the British weather likes to turn at the drop of a hat, it could be about to get pretty cold really quickly.

The Bedroom Cleanup

It might be a nightmare zone, especially for the parents of teens, but you need to address the bedroom hazard. Left to their own devices, most kids will all but wreck their room, and you are the only line of defence between sanity and total chaos. Of course, this by no means advocates the type of tidying as with a spring clean. But getting some organization will help the kids significantly as they begin to bring home homework and school projects.

Parental Control and Screen Time

With today’s devices such as smartphones, game consoles and streaming channels, there is so much that can distract your children. At the same time, school work and study is becoming more critical as changes due to an uncertain Covid-19 crisis are introduced. Therefore, it would help if you control the screen time of your children. All platforms contain parental controls to set passwords, set times and restrict content, but only 39% of parents use them.

Kids’ Study Area

Of course, if you have the space, then a dedicated study room or area would be highly beneficial to your children’s schoolwork. This will take them away from their usual distraction and keep their minds off procrastination. This area should be private, quiet and full of fresh air. Additionally, space for activities and construction projects or science experiments would provide an accommodating and fun classroom at home.

All Work and No Play…

Children today feel the pressure more than at any other time in history. The stress of study and the anxiety associated with high school performance can make us forget that kids should be kids. While research and homework are essential, playtime should be encouraged. This could take the form of watching a favourite TV show or playing video games. Still, outdoor play develops motor skills, creates a positive learning attitude and encourages positive emotions.


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