On Friday afternoon, we had our 20 week scan, and got to see our baby for the 3rd time. After the last two scans being “challenging” to say the least, I wasn’t holding out much hope for baby cooperating, but we had decided that if baby did, we wanted to learn the gender. See (GENDER REVEAL CAKE).

The hospital was running slightly late (a fairly common occurrence in my experience) and I heard the sonographer say she had seen a lot of “naughty babies” today, so her day seemed to be leading towards our baby being shy all over again! I was absolutely DESPERATE for the loo, having drank about 5 cups of water in the waiting room, hoping that a full to the brim bladder  would make our view clearer, but the toilet dripping in the waiting area was like slow torture as the minutes passed!

When she finally called us in, I was so relieved! Baby as expected, was initially in a tight little ball, nestled in like a hedgehog in my womb (minus the spikes!).. and initially the sonographer wasn’t sure we would have much luck. We told her what we wanted to do, and I handed her the “Top Secret” envelope which I’d prepared in advance (loser!!). Mike was convinced she would think we were crazy, but she said she actually sees it all the time, although granted people aren’t normally geeky enough to bring their own envelope! 🙂

After a little podding and poking baby eventually started to move, and uncurl enough for her to do the normal tests required on the bones, heart and spine. It was lovely to see our baby’s little feet and hands and the heart pumping away – always reassuring!

To be honest, I’m far from an expert on reading baby scans, and so even though I was looking at the screen, I was a little like Joey from friends in that I didn’t really understand exactly what I was looking at 99% of the time! All of a sudden she let out a “I know what it is!!!!” in a “nur nur nur nur nur” fashion! 🙂 Mike asked how confident she was, and she said that our baby had its legs WIDE open! (Cue inappropriate joke from Mike about taking after its mother etc etc).

I did wonder whether the fact she saw it so clearly implies it is a boy, but she said that at this gestation when the legs are wide open it is quite easy to identify either way – so no real clue there!


After the scan was complete, she wrote on a piece of paper and bless her, cello taped the envelope up so there could be no peaking! We dropped the envelope to my dads on the way home, who will be starting our cake reveal cake this afternoon! It’s such a strange feeling knowing that by now my dad will know the gender of our second child, and the wait is killing me (I am not great with patience!) but I am really looking forward to the big reveal on Monday!

Will of course share the news when we know! 🙂

Lucy xxx