Back To Work, For Employers And Employees, We Need To Make Changes
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For several months, teleworking has been the norm for many employees. Maybe even you. However, we are going back to work now, and there may be a little worries, especially if you have been away for many months. Some workers therefore fear this return to work. This is why the employer must do everything possible to help the employee return to work in the office in the best possible conditions. For this, anticipation and information are the keys to a successful face-to-face return. The employer can, for this, organize a time for discussion and information involving the various actors of the company. Thankfully there are also some return to work services to make things easier.
If you’re the boss – don’t make these mistakes!
In order to guarantee the safety of employees, the company is implementing the necessary measures to enforce barrier gestures. Wearing a compulsory mask, regular hand washing with soap or water and social distancing are now part of everyday life for many people. In the workplace, workstation arrangements, regular cleaning and ventilation of the premises also reduce the risk of contamination for the various stakeholders. Make sure you display the various prevention and security measures to be implemented in the company.
Plan a shift schedule
The face-to-face return of employees requires organizing a rotation to reduce the number of workers present in the office on the same day. The work schedule can be organized by team. If you are not the boss, then ask your boss if this is possible. It is vital for you to be comfortable when you return. Do not hesitate to involve the different teams to find a new balance that suits as many people as possible. In addition, you will be given the opportunity to recognize your employees’ work. As well their efforts in the face of the exceptional situation encountered since the start of the health crisis.
Listening to employees
Teleworkers quickly got used to this new work organization, which still has certain advantages. Thus, the face-to-face return implies being able to hear the various concerns of employees. Indeed, certain elements will have to be taken into account in preparing the return of employees. We are talking about childcare, disability or even the reception of newcomers. To do this, it may be interesting to meet employees for an individual interview in order to find out their specific needs.
Make the human aspect a priority
It is essential to recognize that the workforce has undergone many changes in a relatively short period of time. This can be incredibly destabilizing. What’s more, those few weeks of isolation without the usual physical interactions with team members has potentially shaken employees’ engagement and mental well-being.
When preparing for the return to work, companies have every interest in giving priority to the moral recovery of the staff. And the reinforcement of their motivation during the first weeks of resumption of professional life. It will be essential to manage the most sensitive people and maintain a positive attitude throughout this transition. To help spread a sense of normalcy and commitment, encourage maximum collaboration between people. You should always also respect social distancing rules. And make sure teams feel involved in the company’s goals and opportunities. through regular meetings and communications.