Bringing Luxury to Your Home: How to Make It Happen

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It’s no secret that, over the last year and a half, many of us have spent far too much time indoors. Eventually, those little things about your house that barely bothered you can evolve into major issues.
So, now is the time for that renovation job that you’ve been putting off. Whether it’s making repairs, starting major projects, or simply freshening the place up, here are some tips to help you get started.
Prioritise Rooms
While it would be wonderful to completely transform your whole house in one fell swoop, it’s sometimes wiser to take things one room at a time. This way, you still have somewhere to relax while the renovations are going on.
When prioritising rooms, you’ll want to consider a few criteria. First of all, which room is most painfully in need of a renovation? If you have one room that irks you more than the rest, then that’s the one to focus on.
If this isn’t the case, then think about which room you use the most. Many people concentrate on breathing new life into their living rooms, while others decide to get the most disruptive jobs, the kitchen and the bathroom, out of the way first. Just make sure your choice makes sense for your family.
Small Changes, Big Results
While renovating your home is usually a huge project, you can sometimes achieve surprising results with only small changes. Swapping out the blinds or curtains can add some life to the room, and change the colour scheme as well.
A lick of paint is always a good idea, but you don’t always have to stop with the walls. If you have some cheap and cheerful furniture, or furniture that is past its best, consider adding a bit of colour. A classic option is white, but there’s nothing stopping you from being more creative.
Moving furniture around can change a space around without buying anything new, as can swapping artwork from one room to another. But you should consider adding a signature accessory to a room, like a large mirror or a rug that reflects your style.
Design It Yourself – Within Reason
Speaking of style, you should always aim to get something that suits you. It seems like an obvious thing, but there are far too many bland houses out there that don’t reflect the occupants at all. Beige dominates, but unless it’s a colour you actually like, why not go for something more interesting?
So, rather than going for the most inoffensive options out there, don’t be afraid to personalise everything. Now, this does come with risks. If you put a bunch of unrelated things together that clash, it can turn into something that nobody likes, not even you.
Thankfully, you can get help. Many people appreciate the interior architecture and interior design by designer Sean Symington, which is whimsical, personal, and stylish all at once. Whether you want a full remodel and rebuild, or you just want to restyle your interior, professional designers can help you get the home of your dreams.