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How to Keep Your Health in Check as a Busy Mum

How to Keep Your Health in Check as a Busy Mum

*This is a collaborative post

Every single day, your babies rely on you to feed them, comfort them and keep them entertained. As rewarding as this ‘job’ is, it can be difficult to maintain your energy levels as a busy mum. You are always on your feet and constantly thinking of the next task you need to complete. You need to start putting your health first as a parent, because this is what allows you to stay strong for your little ones. Sometimes a quick pick me up is all you need, but you need to start focusing on your long term health now. Make some much needed changes to your lifestyle if necessary and follow some of these tips below!

Seek Out Professional Advice

If you are suffering from an ache or pain, the last thing you should do is allow it to linger. As soon as you notice something wrong with your health it is so important to nip it in the bud. Now, getting yourself to the doctor can be a lot of hassle, especially if you have a little one in tow. This is where Simple Online Doctor comes in extremely handy, because you won’t even need to leave your home. With their online assessment system, they will be able to prescribe your medication and provide you with honest solutions to your health issues. They will also make sure that the treatment is safe for you after reviewing your medical history. This type of service is a game changer if you are unable to leave the house easily. There are no excuses for leaving your medical problems undiagnosed now!

Eat Well

As a mum, you probably strive to create delicious, gourmet meals for your kids every single day. The food that you make for yourself probably doesn’t match up to this nutritionally, which is something you need to look into sooner rather than later. When you don’t give yourself adequate nutrients your energy levels can go through a roller coaster of emotions throughout the day. This can lead you to comfort eat, miss meals and experience extreme highs and lows. When you incorporate delicious and nutrient dense foods into your diet it can make a huge difference in so many ways. Not only will you feel so much more energised, but you will also find a new joy in cooking from scratch and eating well!

Rest When You Can

It is so easy to say rest when the baby rests, but in reality that’s the last thing you want to do. There will always be another load of laundry to do, bottles to wash and meals to prepare, so it’s very difficult to switch off your brain. Try to allocate one or two hours of down time every single day, where you are allowed to switch off and relax. Remember that there are always going to be dishes to clean and clothes to fold; these chores can always wait for an hour or two!

Enjoy Self Care

As a mum you very rarely give yourself time to enjoy your own company. This is something most new mums miss very much when their first child comes along. Realistically, you need to give yourself some alone time whenever you can. Of course, this is much easier said than done!

Try to partake in a calming activity that you absolutely love at least once a week. This will allow you to remember who you were before you became a mother. Holding onto your sense of identity is so important; try not to lose the passions you had before parenthood. You may have enjoyed going to the gym once a week or you might’ve attended a social club in an evening. Ask for the support of your partner as much as possible when you’re trying to indulge in self care. You will soon find that you are much calmer as a parent when you give yourself plenty of time to enjoy the things you love.

As soon as you start taking your health seriously as a mum, you will feel so much more powerful in everything that you do. Some days you will literally want to lay on the sofa and eat cookies and that’s totally okay! However, if you can start to make conscious decisions regarding your health, you will be in a much better position in the long run. Think about being there for your little one as long as possible and this will most certainly spur you on to be the healthiest mum you can be.

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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