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What I read in January

What I read in January

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At the start of the year I decided that in 2020 I really wanted to read more. I wanted to spend less time sat aimless scrolling through my phone, sifting through pointless gifs on Facebook or reading breaking news articles when Neve wakes during the night, and instead do something actually useful – something that would help my mind to switch off before bed, relax and hopefully sleep better as a result.

When I was a teenager I used to absolutely LOVE reading. I would often read an entire book in one sitting and my friend and I would share the books we had discovered and provide a bit of inspiration for our next read. Whilst granted that makes me sound like an absolute geek (lets be honest, I was!) I really enjoyed the escapism that reading provided.

As a Mum of two, I miss that. The ability to live in someone elses’ imagination and enter a whole new world for a while – it’s a great way to escape from the day to day, the to do lists and the pressures of modern life.

Five Little Doves recently shared her 52 Week Book Challenge group on Facebook with the aim of reading one book a week for the entire year – sounds feasible right? I decided to give it a go and so far its had some surprising results.

Not only have I adapted to reading on the Kindle (something that I never thought I would do as I have always loved a physical book!) I’ve found that I am sleeping better (when Neve isn’t awake that is!) and that my screen time according to my iPhone is down a massive 21% – with me prioritising reading my book over the pointless scrolling I would’ve done previously.

If you’re after some reading inspiration  – here are the books I’ve been reading in January and my verdict. (#NoSpoilers)

The Mother in Law

Mother in laws always get a bad rep right? So when Lucy meets her Mother in Law for the first time she is desperate to make a good impression. Having lost her own mother to breast cancer when she was just thirteen, she is hopeful that they can have the kind of mother-daughter relationship that she has always dreamed of. Sadly she is disappointed. When she meets Diana, she is cold and detached and seems to have no interest in becoming closely acquainted.

The story begins in the present with a knock on the door – Diana has been found dead; and whilst on first appearances it looks to be suicide, the police have reason to believe that she didn’t take her own life and a homicide investigation commences.

In this twist on a classic who done it, told through the perspectives of Lucy and Diana, we flick between past and present, learning more about their relationship and who may have had reason to harm Diana. With lots of twists and turns, and layers to their relationship that I didn’t expect, I found this book both engaging and surprisingly emotional! As someone who shares my name with the main character, and whom also lost my Mum to breast cancer, it was hard not to feel moved in parts. It’s also a great reminder that you shouldn’t always take things at face value – a really enjoyable read.

Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars

The Dilemma

Liv has been planning her 40th birthday party for literally twenty years. Finally the big night is just 24 hours away, and she cannot wait – all her preparations are coming together perfectly. Hours before the party is due to start however, her husband Adam discovers some information that has the potential to change their lives forever. Does he tell her now and risk ruining the day she has waited so long for – or does he wait. And will he make it through the party without falling apart?

At the same time Liv also discovers a secret, something which would break Adams heart. She will tell him – once the party is over – but the guilt and secrecy is eating her up inside.

One couple – two secrets and one party…

Whilst a little far fetched in parts (just tell your partner for goodness sake!) I read this book in a day, desperate to discover what would happen when the truth finally came out.

Rating – 4 out of 5 

The Note

A story of sliding doors, missed opportunities and leaps of faith – this is a little more of a romantic style than my usual go to thrillers or crime, but was a refreshing read with some really relatible characters!

On her way to work, Maya sets sights on “train man” who she later learns gets the same train as her every single morning. She feels like she knows him, that he is THE ONE for her and that they could be perfect together, if only if she was brave enough to speak to him.

Eventually she plucks up the courage to ask trainman out for a drink – but is there such a thing as happily ever after? Were they really destined to be together?

If you’re a fan of Sophie Kinsella or David Nicholls’ One Day, you will love this. A warm and fuzzy read about love, life and relationships.

Rating – 3 out of 5 

The Couple Next Door

Anne and her husband have been invited to a party at their neighbours’ house, but she’s asked that they leave their clingy baby behind – its adults only, and not everyone loves a crying baby. When the babysitter cancels, Marco convinces Anne that they should still go – their baby will be fine – they only live next door. They can take the baby monitor and check in every half hour.

During the 1am check, Anne’s worst fears are realised, when she realises her baby is gone – the cot is empty and the front door is ajar. Where has her baby gone, how well does she know her neighbours, and who can she really trust, including herself?

Whilst there are some VERY far fetched elements to this story (clearly Anne and Marco havent heard of Madelline McCann!!!) and I found the plot a little bizarre, I still really enjoyed this, and the ending was a bit of a shocker!

With tales of trust, self doubt, guilt and being way out of your depth – this story takes you on quite the journey!

Rating – 4 out of 5

Want to check them out? 



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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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